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Call out for next CJA (Climate Justice ACTION) meeting in Paris 9-11 Oct

Saturday 12 September 2015

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This summer has seen a re(in)surgence of anti-capitalist movements with camps and actions all across Europe, from the defiant Greek Oxi! to the solidarity shown to refugees desperately fleeing European and US-caused devastation to the collective euphoria of 1000 people flowing through police lines to shut down the vast lignite coal mines in the Rhineland—the largest source of CO2 emissions in Europe. The roaring cadence of “Ende Gelande!” (“Here and No Further!”) rang out unmistakably across the continent, gathering together the ties and disobedient seeds sown at the 7 other camps this summer, including the 800-person strong anti-nuclear camp in Bure—France’s first large-scale summer camp since 2011. And this is just the beginning as we fight to ensure our collective future on a liveable planet.

Come join us in Paris on the weekend of 9-11 October to help build on this contagious enthusiasm unleashed over the summer to create the largest ever day of disobedient action for climate justice and against capitalism during the COP21 UN Climate Summit in Paris in December. We’ll discuss plans for actions to show our collective force; where we can stay in Paris; how we can support the mobilisations of the ZADs and other struggles that’ll converge on Paris for COP21; and how we can use this moment in December to continue to build, nourish and create connections for a culture of resistance within our movements and local struggles, so we can propel ourselves beyond the COP. Global days of action against major fossil fuel infrastructure and the root causes of the climate crisis are already on the horizon at the end of April 2016.

We know COP21 will deliver a death sentence for the poor and the planet and a blessing for corporations. While the world is watching, let’s make sure our resistance is not relegated to a mere footnote but becomes history itself. We refuse to let governments triumphantly sell the Paris deal as the ultimate false solution that will destroy the planet. We will not stand idly by.

The meeting will take place in Paris (location to be determined). Housing/crash space and food (vegan) will be provided (free, donations accepted). We have limited funding to cover travel costs, so please let us know if you need assistance or if you have any other questions—write to