Home > Texts > Analysis > Auto-media
What is that?
Auto-media is the will to self organize our own media, in whatever form. To no longer leave the monopoly on information to the mass media, who lick the boots of power. To no longer leave their lies and their propaganda to form and mold our ideas. For the freedom of choice and opinion, for freedom in general, and for another truth different from the one they distribute to us by radio and television, manipulated as it is by the powers that be. When important news is drowned out by trivia, auto-media offers dissemination of real and vital information.
Because its urgent to free our voices, our choices, our consciences and different avenues of expression. Because its just as urgent to counter the manipulation of information for profit. Being silent means acceptance - its time to take responsibility. Autonomy is …..
By all means possible and imaginable, by images, posters, printed material or sound. Refusing even the smallest corrupting financiers and their muzzling influence!
Enough with the myth of democracy, change can only come from ourselves!