Home > Comrades in struggle > Autres luttes contre l’aménagement capitaliste du territoire > Hambach: skill sharing camp
Hambach: skill sharing camp
Sunday 13 April 2014
All the versions of this article:
- This April there will be a skill sharing for two weeks on the occupation of the Hambacher Forst/ Hambach Forest. We want to let grow a big diversity of different theoretical and practical workshops, discussions, presentations,actions and so on. Everybody is invited to participate, to bring in own ideas, to share some skills, to offer workshops, to present something or to express her_his displeasure about the destruction of nature and oppression in creative way.
- The camp has a emancipatory demand. It shall give us the possibility to share experiences, to connect, to learn together and also from each other and hopefully to come a step closer to a world without dominance: A world in which we take the responsibility for ourselves and our behavior and actions, in which we don‘t take orders nobody and in which we can‘t command nobody neither, a world in which we live together without any kind of discrimination, in free agreements and mutual aid, trying to self-organize and self-subsist ourselves.
- There are already some workshops planned, such as: insulation of walls with adobe, knitting masks, collect wild-growing herbage and different forms of action, for example: samba, action climbing, building tripods, …
- If possible please take with you a tent, a sleeping bag, a sleeping pad and wind- and rain-proofed clothes because we have only a limited number of sleeping places. Also it would be nice, if you could contribute with some food (maybe go dumpster-diving some days before). But this is not a must!
- See you in April!
- Love, solidarity and anarchy!!!
- E-Mail: hambacherforst (Ät) riseup · net
- Blog:
- _ hambacherforst.blogsport.de (deutsch),
- _ hambachforest.blogsport.de (englisch),
- _ bosquehambach.blogsport.de (spanisch)