Home > Press > Press communiques > Communique on the meeting with the Calais hunger strikes
Friday 25 March 2016
All the versions of this article: [English] [français]
This Wednesday 23rd March, four 2012 hunger strikers from Nantes, accompanied by four activists, met with the Calais hunger strikers. Here is their testimony:
“We are here in support, in sympathy, in bringing our experiences, but certainly not to bring advise.
Compared to theirs, our experiences were very light: they have been on hunger strike since March 2nd, isolated in the southern part of the jungle that was destroyed, with a background noise of bulldozers flattening rubble, and the polce that surround them.
The nine hunger strikers are between 17 and 46 years old, and are starting to become marked, tired. They doubt the effectiveness of the speaker that the prefecture sends.
We willingly imagine that they could continue to suffer in total indifference, their determination is impressive but we fear it may be ineffective. They’re requesting that the northern Jungle isn’t destroyed and establishing a British Office in Calais study the migrants’ demands.
We demand that everyone make this hunger strike known. It’s urgent!
We understand that they’re badly torn between two countries, they’re human beings who want to be treated with dignity.”
Press contact:
Marcel THEBAULT / 0789639295 Cyril BOULIGAND / 0621047684
[Translated by Squat! via zad.nadir.org, March 24th.]