Zone A Défendre
Tritons crété-e-s contre béton armé

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FLASH INFO on evictions for the 17 October

Wednesday 17 October 2012

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]



* If you are close to the Zad, there is a possibility to listen to the Radio Klaxon : 107.7

* The number of the Legal Team is: 0675309545

* Contact presse : 06 65 67 76 95

* Call out for decentralized actions at the moment of the eviction everywhere ! Message for our friends out there: take care and keep resisting !!

* translaitons in other languages: ITA et SPA sont disponibles sur live translations in ITA and SPA are available at

- 23h30 : Good night everyone, in front of the screens and on the barricades - we come back 5 h if there are no incidents !

- 23h29 : the cops are gone at the south barricade of La Saulce in direction Vigneux. WE DEMAND ALL GENDARMES AND CRS TO QUIT THEIR JOB

- 23h50 : there are no movements on the zone, we stay awake and careful for the night. we come back online if anything happens in the night on the zone, OCCUPIED BY US !

- 23h19 : the cops stay even more back, we only see the lights now, it seems that they want to tire us, but it won’t reallyw work because we’re motivated by the determination, we stay !

- 23h10 : they leave to get themselve installed a bit more far

- 23h05 : come back to the barricade of La Saulce, coming this time from the south

- 23h00 : cops came back to the entry of the Sabot, they get stoned and leave...

- 22h33 : the cops left the barricade of La Saulce

- 22h22 : we don’t hear anymore shootings, the cops left the Sabot. The cop cars are heading in direction of La Saulce coming from nord. Asking urgent for support.

- 22h06 : the working machine left with the convoi. We got confirmed that the cries we heard are not at all cries of fear but of rage and determination

- 22h07 : 10 riot cop vans partent vers les Ardillières, around the Sabot, they gas a lot, lot, lot..BUT THE SABOT IS STILL RESISTING !!! fuck you cops, fuck you ayrault, you dont get your airport !!

- 21h59 : the works stopped, there is no noise anymore, and the sambe as still playing

- 21h40 : there are about 80 people in Nantes in f

- 21h35 : the Manitou ’ some destruction machine ) is heading direction Phare Ouest, the Sabot still keeps resisiting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we love you.......

- 21h05 : it’s tensioned at the Sabot, raining teargas and the cops are pushing, the Samba is on the way...

- 20h57 : our friends are taking a teargas bath :/

- 20h39 : the fucking bastards are gazing a lot, also the chickens and ducks, what allows them to gain territory from both sides. BIG NEED OF SUPPORT !!

MESSAGE TO THE PORCS: if you hurt the chickens, we’ll call the animal protection !!!

- 20h22 : It seems the fuckers are winning some terrain on the field on the south, there are also hiding behind the chickens, fucking lame

- 20h04 : the militarys start back shooting teargas

- 19h40 : the Phare Ouest pushed them back the lines, everyone keeping on their side waiting what happens....

- 19h11 : pigs got charged by the people south of Sabot, defending their home, brave friends of us, keep on rocking against this terroristes...

- 19h : Like 50 camions have been seen heading out to the Far Ouest and Sabot

- 18h55 : the cops broke down the barricade of the Sabot, they entered but they don’t charge yet

- 18h25 : the cops are charging from outside the garden of the Sabot with teargas, from the south side.

- 18h18 : the Riot ocps are about to come from direction Far Ouest to the Sabot

- 17h40 : No news from area Sabot/Phare Ouest, we think very much about you, take care !!

- 17h15 : new team of riot cops coming closer to Sabot and Phare Ouest, calling for support

- 16h50 : 14 cop vans of riot cops vans seen from direction Vigneux, La Saulce asking for support, cops seems to entering in the way towards Phare Ouest

- 16h30 : the convoy of before was finally the one who hang out in front of the Sabt

- 16h15 : the convoy which cut the tree is leaving, another one seems to arriving quickly from direction Ardillières

- 15h50 : callout for support at Phare Ouest, the cops taking off the tree blocking the road

- 15h45 : some 20 cop vans are in front of the Sabot, the cops came out running

- 15h37 : cops leaving from fosses noires in direction Sabot, ask for support !!

- 15h21 : the cops are at the crossroad Fosse noir / Sabot, the automedia team is searching people who wants to give a bit more living reports than the factual news they dispatch

- 15h17 : people juste got charged by cops vers the Planchettes

- 15h07 : its back calm around the Phare, a tree is lying on the street around there

- 14h58 : the cops stopped to go forward, people are behind the barricades

- 14h48 : there are cops arriving in front of the Phare Ouest vers the Chêvrerie

- 14h19 : Gros convois venant de NDDL vers les Ardillères avec : nombreux camions, des manitous, des utilitaires

- 14h05 : Barrage filtrant sur la route de la Gaité : 3 fourgons et 5 véhicules plus légers. 6 fourgons sont sortis de la zone par la route des Ardillères vers la Paquelais.

- 13h54 : les flics à la barricade nord de la Saulce sont repartis

- 13h47 : barrage de flics sur la route du Tertre, des deux côtés du Tertre (la voie est libre entre Ardillières et chêne des Perrières). Il n’y a personne au Limimbout. Les flics entrés dans la forêt de Rohanne en sortent

- 13:37 : Les flics ont mis un barrage en place sur la route entre Ardillières et Vigneux, à la hauteur de la forêt de Rohanne. Certains sont entrés dans la forêt

- 13h15 : les keufs qui sont entrés dans Phare ouest sont repartis

- 13h10 : il y a des infos d’avant qui n’avaient pas été transmis: *12h20: Bel Air: accompagné par 10 camions de gendarmes, la maison a été barricadée avec des plaques Anti-squat *Gaité: La Gaité est encore debout, il y a une pelleteuse, mais ils ont mis des plaques Anit-Squat *12h30aux Ardillières barrage de contrôle, laisse sortir mais pas rentrer dans la Zone *12h26: Pré Faillit: 15 camions CRS vers là-bas, des CRS se cachent dans le jardin *12h40 barrage aux Planchettes encore sur place 12h36 : 10 fourgons de keufs sortent de la Zone direction le Temple *12h35 ça circule entre La Boissière et Notre dame des Landes

- 12h52 : 5 up to 7 riot cops are entering the way towards the Phare ouest, 15 cops with shields are entering inside, others stay behind

- 12h50 : the cops entering in the Phare Ouest

- 12h47 : 5 riot cop vans are between Paquelais in direction Planchettes, at the level of Phare Oest and Chêvrerie

- 12h35 : there are 10 cop vans at Paquelais at the level of the forrest

- 12h30 : midday, the destruction of the Planchettes isn’t finished, the cops prevent people to get closer

- 12h20 : the destruction of the Planchettes here :( sadness and rage...

- 12h : there is a possibility to rest a bit, drink some tee and get dried at the comfortable fire at the "Sécherie"/Fosse noires

- 11h55 : there is no road blocking anymore at the chêmin de suez, a demonstration is heading towards the Planchettes

- 11h24 : the meeting at the Sabot is finished, there is a group of people who is going towards the nord in direction of the Ardellières, the helicopter is now flying really down at the region west Fosse noires / chêmin de sueze

- 11h12 : there are 30 cop vans in the region around the Tertre where they actually destroy the house :(, there are positioned at the end of the Chemin de sueze and at Chênes de Perrières, the destruction of the Planchettes got confirmed by the medias :(, at the Sabot it seems quiet but the helicopter is turning over the Phare Ouest

- 11h05 : The Prefecture of Loire Atlantique is announcing that the situation is a "physic securisation of the Zone and protecting the companys which are destroying the houses

- 11h : General Info: the invaders installed themselves comfortably and logistically at the Gaité

- 10h50 : from the Sabot has been reported a convoy of cop vans with a car which carrys some sort of radar on the roof, driving slowly in the direction north, the helicopter is turning over the Zad

- 10h48 : the farmers of the region ask to close the fences of the fields after opening, mostly those where are animals. there are actually some opened which is not cool

- 10h40 : Police blocking/controlling at the crossroad Temple de Bretagne, Paquelais, Fay de Bretagne coming from Notre dame des Landes. A convoy of 10 military vans and a civil car have been seen at the Sabot heading in direction south

- 10:05 : there is the proposition to meet up in the Sabot to discuss, bring water and food, 10 cop vans seen driving to the north direction Fosse noires/ Planchettes, medias saying that the destruction of the houses started :( , there is demo in Paris in front of the ministery of environment

- 9h55 : people in the Sabit asking for water and food and people to support

- 9h52 : following our informations, the EDF has to shut down the electricity in 3 houses this morning: Les Planchettes, Tertre, Pré Faillit

- 9h50 : le fourgon de Vigneux ont fait demi tour en direction 4 voies // the cops in Vigneux turned back on the highway

- 9h30 : at the Sabot it’s calm but they ask for support to come to join the barricades, 1 Military van and 3 riot cop vans are at Vigneux de Bretagne ( close to the La saulce barricade )

- 9h20 : the cop vans at barricade la Saulce left, cops convoy has been seen vers Le Planchette

- 9h15 : 2 cop vans are at the north side of the barricade La Saulce

- 9h07 : We’ve been told from a secure source that EDF has been mobilised to cut the electricity in 2 houses, one of them is surely the Planchettes

- 8h45 : the cops in front of the Sabot left, they seem to have some coordination troubles this morning...

- 8h25 : a convoy stopped outside the Sabit and seems to get ready

- 8h20 : a convoy with a trash camion, digger and a road semi-trailer are arriving at the Planchettes, under a big escort, big spots ighting on the Planchettes

- 8h00 : a really big convoi of cop vans just passed in front of the Sabot in direction Ardellières, still no cops at the barricade of le Saulce

- 7h35 : cops qre leaving at the barricade at the Saulce in direction Vignuex

- 7h15 : cops convoi coming from direction Paquelais

- 7h : call for support at Sabot

- 6h50 : 20 cop vans vers the Planchettes, cars are blocking the street crosses ( Fosse noires et Chêvrerie ), 10 cop vans arrived at the barricade at La Saulce direction Vignuex

- 5h20 : no cops movement for the moment around the Sabot. Torecall: betweens 60 and 80 military vans are parked on the road between Sabot and Paquelais