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Monday 5 November 2012
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From tuesday morning (16th of october), the ZAD has been invaded and occupied 24 hours a day by hundreds of policemen. They are putting down, step by step, the occupied houses and huts. They destroy and take them away, brick by brick, out of the area to prevent us rebuilding or resisting.
Places and gardens still occupied are regularly harassed, covered with tear gas, trampled... Police try to prevent us gathering and having meetings. From tuesday, occupying people and people who joined us in the area answered back with barricades, by blocking the roads the cops use, reoccupations, throwing things, fire, insult and sarcasm... For four days now, under the rain, hundreds of people defend the area whatever it takes, against the police, and plan to stay there. Demonstrations, actions take place every night in Nantes, and other towns. And it’s not over.
7 houses and a few huts have already been emptied, but many others ara still existing in the woods, fields and trees. In addition to the occupying people, tenants, owners, and farmers are still threatened to leave the ZAD. This attempt to eviction is going to last. We can’t yet forecast the way the evictions will go on, on and off or not, in the next days against other huts and houses.
It seems to be sure that military occupation and houses destruction keep on going next week... « Le sabot » (market garden occupied since the 7th of may 2011) resisted the whole week to police pressure, but the prefecture will probably try to expel people from this place next week. One house expeled has been reoccupied few hours later at the « Fosses noires » but is still threatened in the next two days. Huts in the trees and many installations still stand up and could multiply.
A second wave of explusions will probably take place after the 28th of october because three new houses will be evictable, including « Les Rosiers », first house occupied on the ZAD five years ago. No matter what happens, today and for the next weeks, we call everyone to come here to bring creative and determined support, to rebuild and keep positions, as well as political action everywehere else. We’ll probably have to face police questionning, so occupying people don’t have to be alone. (Watch out the website zad.nadir.org for informations on the struggle, ideas for political actions, meeting and needs in tangible assets).
Thank you very much and congratulations for those who demonstrate in solidarity, meeting at 3 people or 2000, send message of support, bring food, socks and stuff for struggle... It warms up our heart, our foot and feed our determination to win, during rainy days of resistance, to know that other people target the Socialist Party, Vinci and their friends who build the airport and destroy our lives.
==> The reoccupying demonstration <==
Concerning the reoccupation demonstration, annonced in cas of evictions, we still believe in the need of a large mobiblization, constructive and offensive after this first round of evictions. We still think it’s important to be together (occupying people, inhabitants, farmers, associations and others) to say that nothing is done in this struggle, that we’ll always come back and won’t let this airport to be built. We have to rebuild an open place for the struggle orgnisation on the threatened lands. We still call the airport into question now that everyone talks about it.
The reoccupation demo will take place !
We announced that it would take place the 4th saturday after the first evictions on the area. However, this first wave of evictions starts and it didn’t stop during four days, so we can’t have a rest. We decided that we need to think about the situation before we confirm a date.
The date of the reoccupation demo will be given on the 26th of october. We invite you to prepare this demo, so that everyone is able to arrange to come. We call on all of the collectives and individuals who support the demo to begin to mobilise on the issue.
We are already appealing for communal kitchens, marquees, musicians, batucudas, hut kits, materials, tools, tractors... looking forward for the reoccupation. All enquiries to: reclaimthezad@riseup.net [signed] Some occupants of the ZAD and supporting collectives, who won’t give up.