Home > Campaign News > Flash Infos > FLASH INFO 9th of november
Sunday 11 November 2012
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20h : End of this daily flash info. For those who didn’t hear it during the day, here the Là-bas si j’y suis programme (in french) : http://www.franceinter.fr/emission-la-bas-si-j-y-suis-les-vaches-n-aiment-pas-l-avion-2
15h45 : The immediat arraignment in the Nantes Court that was going to happen today has been postponed to the 14th of December. Besides, two other people who were arrested on wenesday are put in trial in the Saint-Nazaire Court on the 24th of January.
12h30 : Some news from this morning : the operation called "looting Vinci" started again this morning on the D281 road, with a lot of happy people. Building operations are still in process and we are making the preparations for the re-occupation demo (on the 17th).
12h : We’re just getting the news that someone who happened to be arrested on wenesday is going to face an immediate arraignment at 2pm in the Nantes Court.
As a reminder, here is something about the situation on the D281 :
*The D281 has been freed on Thursday afternoon !*
**Indeed, up to thursday at midday, it was impossible to use the D281 road from Les Fosses Noires to La Paquelais. We have decided to stay on the road but to allow travelling people to use it during our "looting Vinci" operation. The D281 road had first been blocked by the cops when the evictions started. Then, we built barricades on it in order to force them to slow down and to be able to protect our places. Yesterday, on the 7th of November, more than 250 cops came to remove everything. They were helped by the road maintenance service but this demonstration of strengh got useless as we re-built everything just 10 minutes after they left. Barricades were there anew. As we were not satisfied with blocking the road to the people who usualy use it, but in the same time it was unpossible to let the cops invade our lands, we decided that it is our duty to make this road what you want it to do. Thus, it is now possible to use it although you’ll have to brake and stay on the watch as we put chicanes. From 5pm on thursday, a "looting Vinci" operation was waiting for the people to come : we distributed leaflets to explain what we were doing and invite people to come and join the re-occupation demo on the 17th. Remain on the watch ! And thanks for braking down for your safety and ours ! See you then !
7h : The night is deeply dark and nothing is moving...