Zone A Défendre
Tritons crété-e-s contre béton armé

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Latest update : 9 June 2023.

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Articles in this section

  • The bailliff brings the verdict of the trial in Nantes

    27 October 2011

    Today the bailliff brought the verdict and an order to leave the squats accompagnied by about 30 cops. The squats who where defended in court got 1 year and two months and the others got 4 months. See the documents of la saulce:

  • Verdict of the Nantes trial

    20 October 2011

    The vercict of the trial for eviction of the occupied houses located in the jurisdiction of Nantes took place last Thursday, October 20th. La Saulce, la Sècherie et les Rosiers get a year of delay before being evictable, while three houses at Pré Failly and two at Grandchamps got two months. We will try to update this article when a more specific analysis of these judgments has been made. See the verdict of the (...)

  • [Updated 19/10/2011] Verdict of the Saint-Nazaire trial.

    19 October 2011

    Update from October 19, 2011: The analysis of the verdict of the Saint-Nazaire trial indicates that the houses under that jurisdiction have more than a month of time before being evictable. We’ve known this for some time, but communication is not always our strong point ... The verdict of the houses that went on trial in Saint-Nazaire was held today September 20. The cabin at Fosses Noires saw its case dropped. Bel-Air, Tertre and les Planchettes (and probably the other houses being (...)

  • Surprise drillings on 5th and 6th October 2011

    9 October 2011

    Drillings taking place! This Wednesday morning, October 5th, we found out that two diggers had arrived on the ZAD accompanied by over a hundred cops. They are currently doing drillings between Le Tertre et le Liminbout. Updated October 5th, 2011 at 15:30: They are drilling in preparation for the north runway.The process is different than the drillings in June. Rather than using drills they are using diggers. The workers dig deep holes (10 meters and over) with 2 machines and sample the (...)

  • Nuances around the call-out for support at the Zad after threats of evictions

    9 October 2011

    (See the call-out in question here) We wrote "It’s now or never!"but ... ... The evolution of the situation and recent discussions allow us to consider the invitation of August 16th to 19th around the rally on Aug. 17th a little less urgent than the call-out text might have made out. We envision these days as a moment of meeting, discussion, practical organization and / or workshops. To be clear, we thought that things might be heating up where you are, so to give you a temperature-check (...)

  • Police Violence in Parc Mercoeur - Call for witnesses

    9 October 2011

    Friday, September 2nd, Mercoeur square (in front of Bouffay, Nantes), a dozen people perched in trees, supported by other activists on the ground, protesting against the proposed airport at Notre-Dame-des-Landes and the destruction of the Mercoeur Park, and against the generalised concreting over of living spaces and communal life (see here for more info on this action) . While the opponents prepared a picnic, sang songs and slogans, and distributed leaflets, the police used the grounds of (...)

  • Perched on a tree ... the cops down below (updated 3 / 09)

    2 September 2011

    As of this Friday morning, the trees at the Elisa Mercoeur park (near Bouffay, Nantes) are occupied by ten opponents to the métropole Nantes-Saint Nazaire project, namely the airport of Notre-Dame-des-Landes. The cops soon arrived on site, having seemed to have received orders to intimidate us. In two waves, twenty people who were present on the ground were violently arrested as they sang, distributed leaflets and installed a picnic. Most have been released, but at least three are still at (...)

  • Breaking the Da Vinci code

    26 August 2011

    The occupiers of the ZAD were facing court last week as the authorities began the eviction process against the anti-airport community. The ZAD -Zone d’Aménagement Differé (dubbed the Zone A Defendre by the activists) is an area of 6 square miles in the French countryside near Nantes due to be flattened in order to make way for a new international airport, high-speed train and motorway (see SchNEWS 750). Activists held a demonstration of 300 people outside the court last Monday 17th August. (...)

  • Actions against the drilling

    5 June 2011

    We’re gonna publish news here from the actions against the drilling. Click here to stay tuned.

  • ZAD’s website opening!

    10 January 2011

    Occupants of the ZAD (“Zone d’aménagement différé”) did build this website in order to promote and spread updates on the struggle against Notre Dame des Landes airport project near Nantes, France. You’ll find here all informations, news and propaganda as we slowly put them online. For now, the website is being built, so please be patient.

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