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Camping Passamontagna

Tuesday 28 August 2018

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FROM THE 19TH TO THE 23RD OF SEPTEMBER Five days of struggle against borders On the French-Italian border, on the mountains between Bardonecchia and Claviére

The system of border control is much more than an imaginary line. It is a system of control that selects and divides, that opens and closes according to economic and political interests. A system, which allows commodities and capital to flow freely and which blocks and pushes back those who are not considered “useful”. The border is closed for undesirables. But open for those who bring capital and commodities. On these mountains, those who do not possess the “right” papers are chased by police on the paths, forced out of trains and busses, prevented from deciding freely how and where to live. Violence and repression practices on the border are only one among the means of intimidation, aimed at fostering individual and collective submission to a system created by the State itself. The camp PASSAMONTAGNA is a result of the will to share experiences, practices, ideas and analyses among those who have chosen to fight for a world without authority and borders. In a moment when Europe is progressively more closed and controlled, where borders are visible in every raid, every detention centre, every ship stuck at sea, every working field, every tool of surveillance and with neo-fascists taking more space, we feel the need to organize and reflect together. We call for a camp to fight here on the French-Italian border. A camp that is meant to be completely self-organized, to discuss together in a horizontal manner and to share practices of struggle, of organizing, reflexions and perspectives, and to keep on fighting against all the tentacles of the border control system. Against all states and borders, we meet at Colle del Monginevro from the 19th to the 23rd of September, for five days of fight, sharing and reflexion. The camp will take place in two different spots on the French-Italian border.

For updates and more information: Website: FB: Rifugio autogestito Chez Jesus

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