Home > Texts > Testimonies > Injuries during the 23rd and 24th November
Wednesday 28 November 2012
All the versions of this article: [English] [français]
For Saturday, November 24, 11 rubber bullet wounds, chest, cheek, upper lip (with likely dental injury), fingers, thigh, ribs (with a possible fracture), knee;
— - 3 knee injuries;
— - 2 wrist injuries;
— - 1 damaged ear drum;
— - 1 person suffering shock from the gas
— - 1 head wound requiring two stitches;
— - 1 head wound requiring fifteen stitches;
— - 6 injuries by explosion of concussion grenades, 3 impacts in the legs of 3 people, 1 impact in the forearm, one in the ankle, 10 in legs of 1 person, 10 in the legs of another, with probable sciatic nerve injury, one in the groin impact of one person with suspected foreign body near the femoral artery.
These injuries are accompanied by fragments of hard and sharp metal or plastic, with a size of 0.5 to 1 cm in diameter, penetrated deep into the flesh, risking damage to arteries, nerves, or vital organs. Not all have been removed. Some of the wounded were delayed on the way to the hospital by police roadblocks. The doctor considers this attitude "unacceptable."
Wounded Sunday, November 25
— - 1 concussion grenade wound in a finger;
— - 1 ankle fracture;
— - 1 hand injury,
— - 1 rubber bullet injury of the thorax with suspected rib fracture and lung injury.
This observation is only a small part of what happened during these two days. Mrs. XXXXXX reported what she saw personally. About 100 people were injured by the Valls police