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Open letter from the armed movement to Mr. Christian de Lavernée, prefect of the Loire-Atlantique department

Thursday 27 February 2014

All the versions of this article: [English] [français] [italiano]

Dear Christian,

Yesterday you affirmed : « The institutional opposition to the Notre-Dame-des-Landes airport must stop being the legal display of an armed movement ». It would be easy to blame you, Mr. Prefect, of wanting yourself to destroy some display cases. But after this saturday’s demonstration, you have to admit it honestly and stop hiding us : we are well and truly an armed movement. We are a restless movement armed with savvy and explosive ideas, made from pallets, screws, and stones sometimes – even if here, there is rather mud and meadows, carots and leeks, humor and tractors, miscellaneous items ready to build improvised barricades, and some petrol just in case, sewing needles and crowbars, courage and tenderness, bikes and caravans, farms and huts, gaz masks or not, bandages for our injured people, collective cantinas and furious songs, books, placards and newspapers, wind turbine and pirate radio, raft and rakes, hoe, hammers, shovels and pickaxes, unbreakable links and strong friendships, cunning and shields, bows and arrows to gratify Mister Auxiette, salamanders and giant newts, raincoat and boots, paint bombs and manure cannons, ropes and harnesses, grapnel and grattin, and an ever growing number of people who will never let you destroy the ZAD. You won’t force us to lay down these weapons. And you, Mister Prefect, when will you stop being the legal display of an armed movement ? Yours sincerely, The Black Slobs