Home > Texts > Communiqués et appels du mouvement anti aéroport > 9th January Why you should come + logistic precisions
Tuesday 5 January 2016
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Why did the date of the call-out get moved forward?
Initially we announced a big mobilisation to take place on 16th January without knowing if Vinci and the governement would have the outrageous audacity to restart the procedure for an immediate eviction of the inhabitants and farmers of the ZAD, in the middle of January. We found out that they will be taken to court again on 13th January. That’s why we decided to move the date of the demonstration to 9th January and to double our determination.
Why is it crucial to take part in this demonstration?
The trial on 13th January is an unprecedented attack against the resisting inhabitants and farmers of the ZAD. It’s an attack in the same style as the attacks in autumn 2012, though it won’t be through a police intervention, at least not for now. AGO-Vinci is desperate to see the official locals leave, threatening them with immediate eviction, seizure of their property and their livestock, and sentencing them to exorbitant daily fines.
It is unacceptable to let the state evict a part of us, or to have such a threat weigh on all the inhabitants of the area. We want the state to drop the project, however, through our collective strength we want the government to renounce all eviction procedures until all juridical appeals have come to an end. This is what we are trying to achieve with the demonstration on 9th January and following demonstrations if this one is not enough. We are aware of the short notice but we are asking everyone who can, even coming from far away, to come to Nantes en masse this day.
For more information on the meaning and the state of mind of this event – the call-out can be found on http://zad.nadir.org/spip.php?article3322 – the poster: https://www.acipa-ndl.fr/images/photos/Affiches/2016/2016-01-09_tractoperif_A4HD.jpg
What can be done if you can’t make it to Nantes, 9th January?
We are calling for demonstrations, roadblocks, occupations and other ways of taking action closer to yours in solidarity against the evictions, (preferably) the 9th or even 16th January, according to the possibilities in your area, in accordance with local support comities. Actions have already been announced in Rennes, Toulouse and other cities.
Logistic precisions for those who come and call-out for help
This mobilisation is all the more urgent, having moved the date one week forward. We will need the help and participation of everyone to make this day a succes.
Passing on information
We have got 4 days left. Spreading the word in your community, market, streets, internet, friends,... is crucial. That’s why we are counting on every support committee (and others) to be as creative (leaflets, posters, fiery messages, videoclips, songs, signs on the side of the road,...) as reactive and to ensure that things will be moving everywhere.
We are making sure there will be warm sleeping-places for people coming from far and that will be arriving the night before and/or leaving the day after the demo. Do bring a sleeping-bag and a camping mattress. We will be announcing specific contacts and precisions to do with this subject during the week.
Where to join the demonstration of 9th January?
We are calling out for people to join us on Nantes’ ring-road, joining the tractors, bikes and people walking, converging towards Cheviré, for a big banquet on the foot of the bridge.
For those in love with tractor-bike-convoys and those that are already in the area, it is possible to join us on bike with the convoy leaving from Notre Dame Des Landes, at 8.30 Saturday morning. It will be important to be plenty there and then.
If you are on bike, it will also be possible to join us at other moments and linking up with other tractor and/or bike convoys coming from elsewhere in the region. Arrive in advance and be ready to leave at the announced times:
Le Cardo 11h30
Zénith Atlantis 11h30
Cinéville de Saint Sébastien 11h30
Centre Commercial Océane Porte de Rezé 11h30
We advice everyone coming on bike to bring high-viz jackets and headtorches for those cycling back in convoy at night.
For those walking: people will be meeting at La Neustrie (last stop on tramline 3) at 11.30
No meeting point is more important than another and we want there to be huge numbers of people at every meeting point.
Banners and placards
We are asking everyone to come with their own banners and placards to multiply the messages at the different meeting points. A workshop to prepare banners and placards is planned at the BelleVue farm, wednesday 6th january from 10am on.
Equipement and participation banquet
We invite all support committees to bring benches, stools, folding tables (preferably labelled to make it easier to find it back), colourful tablecloths and decorations. There will be a tractor with a trailer at every meeting point to pick up these up. There is also the possibility to bring these to BelleVue during this week and everything will be loaded Friday afternoon.
Some collective kitchens will be preparing big quantities of soup but everybody is more than welcome to bring what they can: cakes, tarts, cheese, tea,...
Organisation of buses
If you organise a bus to come down to Nantes, parkingspaces are organised close to the tramstop La Neustre. It will be possible to drop people of there and then get instructions to the parking space.
For those who are not used to the temperamental weather we sometimes get in the region, dont forget to bring waterproofs and umbrellas. We won’t be discouraged by the possible humidity in the air!
News on site and radios
We will have our radio set up during the demonstration, broadcasting live information of what is happening during the day. Bring a portable radio with you if you can!
Keeping in touch during this week
We will most likely be giving more information about the demonstration on saturday throughout the week. Don’t hesitate to check zad.nadir.org and www.acipa-ndl.fr
for questions and proposals: zad@riseup.net – acipa.info@free.fr