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Wednesday 18 April 2018
Wednesday 18 April 2018 10:32 TODAY THE GENDARMES ARE PLAYING WITH THE ELECTRICITY: Recall of previous episodes: Last Wednesday during a massive attack gendarmes took up a position around La Grée and cut off electricity to different locations in the Zone. Enedis [the power utility - ed. note] was contacted and said that the Gendarmerie was refusing to let them restore power. A little gremlin therefore took it upon him/herself to restore electricity a few days later. This morning, under the pretext of protecting Enedis, who supposedly wanted to verify that the re-connection was not dangerous, the Gendarmerie launched a major operation with several hundred gendarmes, two armoured vehicles, GIGN [SWAT] troops, a canine team, drones, etc., because rather than coming on foot they preferred to systematically attack all the barricades in the Zone, surround La Grée, take up a position in front of Les Fosses Noires by blocking – once again – access to the Les Cheveux Blancs campground, etc. We have reports from people who were shot in the back as they were running from La Grée and from others who had stun grenades launched at them without prior warning. Once again the Gendarmerie is playing with fire by provoking an increase in tension in the Zone... and cutting off electricity under the pretext of verifying its operation. I’m beginning to lose faith in public service!
10:16 INFILTRATION BY PLAINCLOTHES POLICE: We’ve been sent some fairly explicit photos of an individual in civilian clothes talking with the Gendarmes Mobiles and then leaving to rejoin our side.