Home > Texts > Récits (actions, manifs...) > Open letter to mister Jacques Auxiette - President of the region Pays de la (...)
Tuesday 13 November 2012
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I’ve read very carefully the newspaper Presse Océan of last october 31th where you talk about the building of the new airport at Notre Dame-des-Landes. I have to admit that after the first reading which was superficial, I thought you were serious. As well as it took me some time to understand that Mr Ayrault (french PM) was a funny person who wants a new airport while there is an environmental and economical crisis, I’ve eventually understood your very subtle position.
At the beginning you get indignant about opponents "it’s false and irresponsible to make believe that the airport project could be abandoned". This affirmation which seems full of common sense, makes at least two references to the opponents. First, you play with the meaning of the word "political responsible" (yourself) treating of "irresponsible" citizen that voted and elected you. It’s an excellent reversal of the situation ! Then, instead of enjoying the building of the new airport with your friends from Vinci next to a chimney fire, with a glass of Scotch whisky smoking a cigare, you take time to give a talk in the newspaper. Isn’t it a comical appeal to tell us that nothing is done yet and all that stuff is a practical joke ?
You maintain further that "all the appeal are exhausted" while there is at least two left. During my first reading (brief & superficial as I said), I believed you lead astray the political word of the Republic representative. I finally understood that was a message to the opponents to tell us nothing was done and we have to go on fighting.
After, you denounce with courage "the handful professional activists" that rage in Notre Dame-des-Landes. I recognize the subtle’s socialist humour that compares thousands of opponents and the handful technocrats that decided to create this airport. I have to confess I laughed a lot.
I liked the way you denounced your colleague Bernard Hagelsteen (the Loire-Atlantique’s prefect during 2007-2009) when you say "the airport’s gonna have positive and concrete effects for the territory and the west inhabitants". Hundreds of people are gonna be evicted, thousands of hectares gonna be covered by concrete but you insist on the fact that this airport have already created one job, the one of Bernard Hagelsteen in Vinci’s company. Bravo !
Last but not least, you greed the policemen’s courage, though they don’t hesitate to use the flash-ball with flat trajectory fire and to destroy houses full of asbestos. I love it ! You talk of opponents’ "assault" like the Nantes Metropole’s president talk of "violent protest" knowing that people getting ready to destroy two thousand hectares of land will never be rightful to talk about violence. Remarkable.
Even if your support isn’t easy to understand, congratualtions & thank you Mister Auxiette.
Mister president, yours faithfully
One citizen of Blain