Home > Comrades in struggle > Autres luttes contre l’aménagement capitaliste du territoire > Zad everywhere : claims of the sabotage on vinci Eurovia in Limoges, (...)
Monday 1 February 2016
All the versions of this article: [English] [français]
eurovia: die!
as vinci or as AREVA
shit multinationals
and all your associates
your pals in the ministries, your slaves in the bulldozers
your concreters under oath and your lobotomized robocops
from Notre Dames des Landes to Val de Suza
from Flamanville to Fuckushima
it seems you are determined to make this earth a garbage bin
and it’s not rémi fraisse that will stop you
and it’s not a state of emergency that will stop us
anonymous and any
we are everywhere
down with the airport project at Notre Dame des landes
down with the dictatorship of the economy and authoritarian "democracy"
Long live the zad, social struggles and solidarity