Home > Comrades in struggle > Autres luttes contre l’aménagement capitaliste du territoire > About the need to meet eachother!
Tuesday 24 March 2015
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Indeed, there’s a politic camp in Bure this summer, from August 1st to August 10th 2015. It’s going to take place in Bure, as it could have been anywhere else. We are not in lack from struggle fields, in every cities as well as in Notre-Dame des-Landes, Sivens, Roybon, Chambéry, Hambach, Val de Suza, Khimki, Rosia Montana, Gorleben or anywhere. Coming to Bure, does not mean that we have to be identified as an ecologist or anti-nuke militant, but rather that we believe in the need to organize beyond few specific struggles, to create bridges and to share energies between struggles which cross over : against authoritarianism and domination structures, against sexism, against capitalism, racism and colonialism, against heavy-handy security measures and against the huge land settlements projects and urban planning. And, beyond our critical gaze about the existing world, last but not least, to support the settlement of free zones, self-organized, where we will think about other real alternatives to the existing systems, and will bring a particular consideration as everyone can find his shoes and feel good. There will be, first, a long time to share, build, exchange, argue and try to develop together long-term collective points of view, from the successes and failures from past, but also from today’s stakes. Thought as a continuity, as a step to long-term collective strategies, this two-times camp want, at the same time, to let bring together people who already organize themselves, and also the meeting with people who feel today the need to express a revolt that we all feel. Thought out from emergencies and out from their imposed times, the camp come from a will to take the time to meet, and to keep us the possibility to act. At the outcome of a thinking time and sharing between those who share our convictions, our ways to be together and our struggles, we want to raise awareness and to act wider than the fight we lead against the nuclear industry, at Bure and anywhere else. While Andra has been about to transform irremediably the area into a nuclear garbage, we want to give us the means to reinforce and make the local struggle live on a long-term way, which can defeat their bloody logics. So, there will also be action times, around the end of the week, which will be collectively organized and/or by likeness, following the modes and wills which are going to emerge from people participating in the camp. The camp is nor an end nor a solution, it’s only a precarious mean to let the meeting be, in a world which keeps on stealing us a bit more spaces and freedoms. It’s with awareness about this precarious fact, that we invite people to come and bring their points of view, his/her energies and experiments, also as his/her wills to act with no concession against the logics which would like to submit us.
*We call to join in Bure as soon as August 2015 the 1st, for two or three days building up the camp, before going on with sharing days, talking, workshops, and then actions.*